Management Information Systems

GIS or MIS (also known well for its acronym in English: Management Information System) are different from common information systems to analyze information that other systems used in the operational activities of the organization. Academically, the term is commonly used to refer to all methods of management of information related to automation or support human decision making (eg, systems and decision support, expert systems and executive information systems It is interesting to recall that in its origins, the companies used computers for the corporate practice of computerized payroll and track accounts payable and receivable. Because applications developed historically were always coming to manage information sales, inventory, and other data assist in the management of the company, the term "GIS" (or "MIS") emerged to describe such applications. Today, the term is widely used in a variety of contexts and includes (without limitation): decision support systems, resources and personnel management applications, project management, and recovery applications databases. Source: AG1. What to consider in developing a management information system? About Claudia Carballo it gives us, which requires great effort, expertise, time and create a management information system to produce integrated and comprehensive information currently Senior Management is designed to broaden the horizons of planning and decision making under degrees growing uncertainties, because of increased competition in the business environment (increased number of competitors), and a decrease in the availability of resources. This leads to the urgent need to handle ever more information to make decisions. Noted however, that although the organization has not been imposed commitment to this task, you can perform an important role in improving the system and meet their needs.

It may not be possible to change the registration forms or files, but may be marginal changes, such as improving the accuracy and timeliness of reporting dates. It is recognized that information management is the foundation of a proper strategic management. The introduction of computer technology has led to the various information systems become important elements in the organization. Considering the immense capacity, as far as the information management concerns, the computers are able to become a strategic advantage for many different organizations therefore must be given to computer technology, the importance and sufficient time deserve to help in a fruitful, effective integration and analysis intuition, rather than considering it simply as a means or way to cut costs highlight is stressed, it is considered that the management information system can be reported as a pyramidal structure. 1 .- The bottom of the pyramid is comprised of information related to the transaction processing questions about their status. 2 .- The next level includes information resources to support the daily operations of control. 3 .- The third tier comprises resource information system to assist the tactical planning and decision making related to administrative control. 4 .- The highest level includes the information resources needed to support strategic planning and policy definition of the highest levels of government finally is very valid to consider, or provide Alfonso Romero B., Jorge Inche M., Carlos Quispe, the objective of an information systems plan is to provide a strategic reference framework for systems information from a particular area of the organization are integrated with technical management information systems allow millimeter drive and control the organization. The result of the systems plan should therefore guide development activities in information systems with the basic objective of supporting corporate strategy, developing an information architecture and IT project plan to support the objectives strategic organization.