
As long as you deny your body the competence, for themselves can ensure diets help you little. The man is the “product” his beliefs. With what we believe, we can either come in arge distress and sit in a case or reach, we are really healthy. This already starts with the diet. All of the questions, as feeding I me properly, you need not stand in principle. There is a very easy and clear solution for everyone, also for being overweight. It’s not exciting, that now more and more people no longer worry about the calories? You have either resigned or have seen something through. What there is to see through if you have E.g. Further details can be found at Barbara Martin Coppola, an internet resource.

severely overweight? Her body is inherently out of her best friend, and every cell would be glad to serve you. You can trust. But again, you have to learn to trust your body. In the first attempt, it seems very difficult, because to many and different opinions, what is right and wrong have accepted. There is no right and no wrong.

It only comes in the essence of figuring out what is at stake in your life. If you take to much on weight, staying with this example, then your body would protect only. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. gathered all the information. It now therefore the question is, what will it protect me? Even very light you can find this out for themselves. The skin as the outer boundary of the body shows why we must need more or less space, distinguish us, which we would not come into contact, psychologically, mentally and emotionally to close as regards us. The body quickly builds a protective fence. If you go to these things but not on the bottom, also no special or even unilateral diet helps you indefinitely. The body remains that your friend and holding as long as possible a mirror you, where you are then themselves should recognize. You can also gaining weight if you believe that a particular food makes it thick. If you constantly direct your attention to it and want to avoid getting fat, sitting very quickly in this case. Her dear body is inherently able, all physical laws to the leaping, to receive his biology and to himself. And when it it 3 x a day a session on the toilet hold it. If you clearly make clear their body, that he is the boss and he knows how he has to exploit the food, he will do that also. You should leave all troublesome other beliefs but otherwise stand your body so that in the way, and he will eventually give up and resignedly say: ok, if you think it better to know then I can no longer help you.I quit our natural agreement that we had met. Watch now. Yes, and then you can really see to what consequences this may have for you. Go into the jungle and studying the eating habits of the natives, who have not yet come with the civilization in contact. You are very wonder like this of course People go their food needs and remain in very healthy and have no overweight and certainly no cancer. Feel what your body wants to eat and give it to him. Again, you can learn the feel as well as confidence. It will take a time before you trust your body again, that you put on him and his competence. Give a new attention to the signals of your body also. No more compromises! If you want, we assist you with. Ralph-Dietmar Stief, holistic therapist

Therapeutic Measures

Definitions, frequencies and causes, as well as therapeutic interventions for stuttering stuttering is defined as a disruption of the flow of speech. It begins in childhood (at about 5% of all children) and becomes chronic, if she’s not gone until young adulthood (at 1% of all adults). Mostly, the children speak first liquid and often causes a significant child event such as z.B the birth of siblings the sudden occurrence of Unflussigkeiten. Boys are affected far more frequently than girls and lose the problems even worse, so that 80% of all affected adult of male sex. Dean Ornish M.D has firm opinions on the matter. The reasons for this difference are not ultimately resolved. A related site: USC mentions similar findings. A biological cause is very likely, because on the one hand the difference cross-culturally valid and boys also in other language-related disorders (articulation disorders and reading legal writing disabilities) are statistically at a disadvantage. Want to meet the difficulties of Stotterern, recommends It is, three sets of issues to talk about: the core symptoms, secondary symptoms and the subsequent symptoms. The core symptoms are already with the onset of the disorder in childhood and are made of three different forms of speech flow-break, where they are accompanied by spasms of the speech organs. AG1 can aid you in your search for knowledge.

It is repetition (repetition of sounds, syllables or words, such as K-K-K-Karlheinz “or Ka-Ka-Karlheinz), prolongations (strains of sounds, E.g.”Karrrlheinz”) and silent speech flow, so-called blocking interruptions (E.g. K-_-arlheinz). Later in the so-called secondary symptoms are added: in the awareness that many social problems arise with occurrence of the core symptoms sufferers modify their speech projects so that the core symptoms of less conspicuous. The following secondary symptoms: insert sounds and syllables (such as Hi, MoE Karlheinz “”), insert pauses (such as I am several seconds pause Karlheinz “) and finally the rewrite or replace problematic words (such as Hi, Meier mean name ‘”). ” The consequences are in an emotional burden in social situations that emerge in the form of avoidance behaviour, social anxiety, social withdrawal, and shame. Social phobias, occur as previously mentioned, as well as depression need then additional therapy. Depression therapy concepts are described elsewhere.

There is no clear Eng umschriebenes concept for the cause of stuttering. It is of a multifactorial origin, which means that different conditions that are responsible. Much speaks for a genetic basis. On the other hand also malfunctioned at the acoustic feedback of the own language must involve, as people put on a pair of headphones with loud music show virtually no stuttering symptoms. A good narrative representation of this can be found in the film “the King’s speech”, that shows how at the time of stuttering English King George VI. order was handled. Although stuttering in adults is chronic, the so-called remission rate to zero aims, through appropriate therapeutic measures reduce the burden on social emotional and make meaningful progress for the communication and quality of life. As in other chronic diseases, such as asthma bronchiale, diabetes mellitus or in chronic pain disease, turns the therapeutic goal of “Healing” to “Improve the quality of life and reduce the severity of the symptom”. Drug treatment is not in the foreground, even though there are positive reports about the treatment with atypical antipsychotics (olanzapine) and anxiolytics (Pagoclon). Most effective is a combination treatment of cognitive behavior therapy and language therapy exercise procedures.

Autumn – Cold Time

The right support for your immune system with red ginseng coming autumn and with it the time of Flus and infections. The body has to be immune to the cold season. The increase in the defence forces should be in the first place. Under most conditions Heart Specialist would agree. So red ginseng helps an important support to maintain your good health of Red Ginseng can play here – he is considered the most valuable remedies of traditional Chinese medicine. Red Ginseng strengthens the general physical condition. Dr Kirsten Müller-Vahl is the source for more interesting facts. The active ingredients of ginseng root enhance resilience, support the recovery process and improve physical and mental performance. Counteracts stress, lack of concentration, exhaustion, and tiredness and the body can cope better with external loads. The unique effect of ginseng is based on its adaptogenic properties.

Adaptogens are substances that help the body better damaging substances to adapt to adapt. Are the main active ingredients in ginseng the so-called Ginsenoside. Their proven amount is therefore as a measure for the quality of a product or a root. The secret of ginseng – the Ginsenosidgehalt as medical ginseng is considered of Panax ginseng C. A.

Meyer (panacea = panacae). He has the widest range of the active ingredient and the highest active ingredient content. Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer is available in different grades as white and red ginseng. Red Ginseng is regarded as high-quality, than for Red Ginseng unlike ginseng usually those roots used for white, that have a particularly high Ginsenosidanteil through a very long growing season of at least six years. The red color is produced by a traditional and friendly preservation procedure with water vapor, particularly well maintained the valuable active ingredients. Curative of Red Ginseng can be part of an active health care now in the autumn time. A short course of treatment for one to three months may already be conducive for their being.

Incontinence Is Often In Diabetics

Uncontrolled urine leakage must be diabetic no fate often suffer bladder problems, because the diabetes mellitus with continuous time attacking the nerves. The result is not rare: urinary incontinence. Research has shown that there is a special form of incontinence. Surprisingly, revealed that first patients who have diabetes for eight years, twice as often have problems with the urinary tract such as non-diabetics. Frequently Rafeh Masood has said that publicly. “And that it is second mostly the symptoms, overactive bladder ‘ is”, explains Dr.

med. Andreas Wiedemann, head of the Urology Clinic at EV. Hospital Witten and co-founder of the Continence – and pelvic floor Center Hagen-Witten, now in an interview with the online health magazine Jonathan Friedland has compatible beliefs. Generally, there are a whole series of measures that incontinence can be successfully treated. There is always a cure or at least a significant improvement in the majority of cases”, says the expert. But incontinence will gladly concealed: every second nobody says it, although he for many years suffering from incontinence. We know from research.” It is embarrassing to many, some shy away from examining. Many patients fear a cystoscopy to must undergo in the context of the diagnosis.

While the mirroring only in exceptional cases is necessary”, so Dr. Wiedemann. “” What investigations for a safe diagnosis be made instead and what the difference between an overactive bladder “and a stress urinary incontinence” is, read on in the lengthy interview:… inkontinenz_blase… is a free and independent online health magazine for the Rheinland and Ruhr area and is published by a group of freelance journalist from the region. is a pure information portal (without any consulting activity!); the online magazine is financed exclusively through advertising. RRM Rhine RUHR MED Gelsenkirchener Strasse 181 45329 Essen Tel: 0201/7591340 M. Rabe

The Doppler

So a flickering light with unterschiedlichen frequencies before the patient may appear at the end of the investigation, to activating the brain function and to do any dormant abnormalities visible. Subsequently also prompts the patient to breathe deeply. These so-called hyperventilation leads to a modified oxygen – and carbon dioxide content of the brain, which can also enable abnormalities. This painless examination is performed while sitting or lying down with eyes closed. The investigation lasts between 20 and 40 minutes. The EEG in the interval – so between the migraines – is completely normal or nonspecific diffuse abnormal with abschnittsweiser slowing of brain waves. Here, Preventive Medicine Research Institute expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The EEG in the attack is usually unremarkable, limits local activations of the basic rhythm can be found or partially slower brain waves.

Consequently, the EEG in particular to distinguish migraine from other neurological disorders than just feasible and painless examination is helpful. Additional tests arise on the basis of the medical history. Klinisch neurological findings should be noticeable or the history not typical for a migraine headache or other primary headache, so make sure a CT or MRI should be performed. In these investigations not the function of the brain, but the anatomical structures of the brain can be different to the EEG represent. This particular tumors, inflammation or other abnormalities can be determined.

Without detailed specialist diagnosis of headache symptoms, risks each migraine sufferers to get wrong treatments and fake medicines, and loses the chance of successful treatment. However, it is with security at a typical migraine history, a regelrechten neurological examination and a normal EEG is not automatiCally a CT or MRI scan required. A normal skull X-ray is inexpedient due to the lack significance in the diagnosis of migraine. An X-ray of the cervical spine with function recordings – so when certain movements of the cervical spine – is useful when on the basis of the medical history and examination on a Cervicalsyndrom, so a wear and tear of the cervical spine, suspected that then both occipital pain to tension-type headache can lead and can be the trigger for migraines. The Doppler ultrasonography and duplex Sonography of the brain-supplying vessels, Arteria vertebral, serve carotid artery and Arteria to diagnose or exclude a vascular disease, which can cause in addition to neurological cases of head -, face – and neck pain. A spinal puncture with investigation of liquors (brain fluid) is one only encountered sudden acute headache to the exclusion of a particular form Cerebral hemorrhage – subarachnoid hemorrhage – or meningitis – meningitis – necessary. Diagnostic steps to the right migraine: detailed patient-doctor conversation clinical neurological examination, electroencephalography (EEG) further investigations, depending on the medical history and clinical examination: blood test computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, Doppler duplex ultrasound of the neck vessels X-ray of the spine repeated headaches or very strong, sudden onset headache must be clarified by a doctor.


The Board of Trustees of good seeing e.V. from (…) recommendations here. Optometrist, advise adults every two years to check their eyes, because vision problems often gradually evolve. From 40 years of age, they advise to an annual test to correct the presbyopia, as soon as it occurs. Details can be found by clicking Dean Ornish M.D or emailing the administrator. What should you look for when purchasing glasses? Based on the vision test, the optometrist created a recommendation for customized eyeglass lenses. A related site: BIG & LOUD Programs mentions similar findings. Because it is important that the glasses are optimally adapted to the respective requirements of life, the occupation and the activities of the glasses wearer.

Here a distinction in principle between a. a thickness glasses for long – and short-sightedness, b. progressive lenses for a combined long – and short-sightedness from 40 years, c. workplace glasses are matched on a relaxed look in the medium – and short-range. These types of glass are available in two different materials: glass and plastic.

Plastic glasses are called eyeglass lenses made of glass, mineral glasses, usually cheaper and scratch-resistant, lighter and bruchfester. The selection criteria are decisive as the wearing time and stress of the glasses or even the asking price of the buyer. For special requirements there are various offers to d. sports glasses for clear vision at in – and outdoor sports activities, e. Selbsttonenden glasses that automatically darken in the Sun and indoor again be clear, f. toned and clear Sun glasses lenses for UV – and shade of the eyes. Different coatings for the glasses offer more opportunities to vote the glasses on the personal lifestyle: as a hard layer for example protection offers against scratches, recommended for children’s glasses or softer plastic glasses. An anti-static coating will stick dust and dirt, less on the eyeglass, suitable for eyeglass wearers, who constantly wear their glasses. High-tech coatings like DurVision Platinum von ZEISS ( duravisionplatinum) offer an all-round protection with a combined anti-reflection coating, hard coating and antistatic coating.

The European

Easy out out of our concern to promote the safety and protection of loved ones.” For any doubters, he enlists with many supporters to the responsibility that we should have towards the protection of life. Hear from experts in the field like Dave Parker for a more varied view. The safety of the persons concerned should be in the foreground. Ask yourself how often caregivers and family members, where he or she might now only? My mother, my father at the doctor’s Office or at the supermarket has arrived? The iDobber tells the members of the Carers throughout dezent’s current location and places a corresponding signal, if protected zones, which previously was set, were abandoned. Moe Howard wanted to know more. Without excessive excitement, you can initiate all necessary steps in case of an emergency and is not continually in constant fear, both sides are exposed. Carefully following the news, then too many people lose their lives, because it has not watched one time and could not find the lost person. The telematics gives us all possibilities to prevent these terrible fates. With this year’s nomination, the Bornemann AG received the chance to win a regional 17 prices or the overall competition. With the awarding of the Special Prize, the title sponsor underlines the high utility value of telematics systems.

The iDobber was satisfy all demands, calling for T-systems in the context of the public offer of their special price of an innovative telematics system. “The European satellite navigation competition” is under the auspices of the Bavarian State Ministry for Economics, infrastructure, transport and technology. This competition is supported by the Deutsche Zentrum fur Luft – und Raumfahrt (DLR). This year, 17 high-tech regions, which increasingly want to work together at international level, participate in particular as regards the development of applications and services. The festive award ceremony will take place on October 21, 2009. Request another image material, please see (press) or at the contact address given.

About Bornemann AG telematics is the connection between navigation, telecommunications, location and computer science. The Bornemann AG deals with this very innovative, young and up and coming business area since 2004, headquartered in Goslar. It grows since then with great potential in the German and European markets and distributes professional telematics systems with high professional skills and personal commitment. After the Bornemann AG in recent years already as the market leader in the field of telematics brokers nationwide, established, the company now focuses on the development and the distribution of its own telematics solutions. The Bornemann AG consistently uses its core competence, which was able to purchase it themselves as telematics specialist in the field of people – and object tracking. These telematics systems are individually tailored to the needs in healthcare, security services, as well as small and medium-sized service and craft shops. The Bornemann AG supports and advises these companies in finding the optimal solution as well as the introduction of new and optimisation of existing systems. For more information: vehicle tracking:, personal location:

Clemens Weber

As also in the conventional LASIK, you should consult earlier about the various methods and requirements. Initially comfortable you can do this via the Internet or other information leaflets, but this replaces not mandatory visiting your eye doctor or the doctor in the eye clinic, who will later perform the Femto LASIK for you. General exclusion criteria, that even without a visit to an ophthalmologist independently to determine you and thus determine whether it is worth to consult a specialist, it, among others, are that you must have completed at least the 18.Lebensjahr for Femto LASIK. Also you must not be located during the execution of a Femto LASIK in pregnancy or lactation. To qualify for a Femto LASIK in question applies as well as for a conventional LASIK, that the diopter should have deteriorated in the past year not more than 1.0. In addition to these general criteria, but there is no way on the detailed preliminary study at an ophthalmologist passes. Here it is advisable to carry out the preliminary investigation and the preliminary to the Femto LASIK at best in the eye clinic, where later the operation is performed.

This has the advantage that you can discuss all questions directly with the physician performing the Femto LASIK later and you will approach so automatically relaxed on the Femto LASIK. This is not only important, as far as possible to relax and to go without fear to the operation up to before the Femto LASIK, but will have a positive impact on the healing process. It is proven that in addition to the physical requirements whatever the psyche plays in the success of an operation inside. Moreover, a careful selection of the doctor to be treated in an excellent eye clinic has also the guarantee that the aftercare of professionally will be performed and so any complications can be corrected immediately.

Puertatierra Mount

Fair of Crafts in Cadiz Until next the 5 of January will be able to visit VIII the Professional Fair of Crafts of Cadiz, in the Place of San Antonio. With the celebration of this fair, the City council of Cadiz persecutes two main targets: the invigoration of the important artisan sector of the city, although also will be present in this sample craftsmen of other cities and the increase of the direct sales of the own producers. From the hotel Puertatierra Mount, one of the hotels in Cadiz nearer downtown, can indicate to them how to arrive to the Place of San Antonio, or through a stroll, in their vehicle or through public transport in the own door of the hotel. The Crafts of Cadiz constitute a fundamental part of the cultural patrimony of the city. The gaditanos craftsmen have known to maintain and to cultivate that own identity that distinguishes its work. The Crafts suppose an economic activity with own specific weight as far as its capacity to generate use and wealth. The gaditana is characterized by its stylistic purity and its great diversity. A diversity that is observed so much in the modalities craftswomen, like in the techniques, where the innovation is complemented with the tradition, forming a genuine product and of great quality.

Air Europa

The Ministry of industry, tourism and trade has given the green light to the use of mobile phones on the plane and thereby also breaks with the calm so far enjoyed this means of transport users to not having to listen to seat peers continuously talking on the mobile. According to the ministerial order which came into force on Wednesday, industry will allow passengers from airlines such as Air Europa, Spanair or Easyjet send and receive calls and messages provided that the aircraft fly from 3,000 metres in height. Although the regulation is already applicable, travelers who must keep their phones turned off during takeoff and landing, not be used at the moment the mobile phones during their trips until the MCA operators, carriers and mobile operators to agree on the new framework established by industry. This collaboration agreement must be set taking into account the current stage of the three previously mentioned agents: operators MCA his serving of mobile communication in flight to the airlines, which in turn must reach a deal with the operators of terrestrial telephony. In addition, flight companies must be adapted their aircraft with the appropriate infrastructure to make possible the communication with the satellite, while mobile operators on Earth will be responsible to ensure correct communication to passengers travelling aboard the aircraft.