The Paradoxical Commandements

Who has not at some time an idea of solidarity or has acted to help others and has encountered problems created by the same people who wanted to help? In these cases we should what? Must we continue to work or leave? Perhaps also at some point someone wanted make true change in some established system for years to introduce an improvement for the benefit of persons or of the same system and to the difficulties often find it has abandoned quickly. Surely we have seen to idealistic young people trying to do the right thing, what is good, what is true and when faced with what is established, in a short time are they descorazonan, they lose the enthusiasm or become embittered by the results or the negative feedback they receive or because nobody or very few appreciate what they want to do. We can find the answers to these questions or the attitude we should have when we are faced with a similar situation in a poem attributed to Mother Teresa of Calcutta or The Paradoxical Commandements (The paradoxical Commandments), written by Kent M. Keith, who encourage us to do what is good, what is moral, what is true for thus have the satisfaction of having done something good for others regardless of what other people think, say or do. In one of the walls of the orphanage of Sishu Bhavan, in Calcutta, had a poem attributed to Mother Teresa; This poem without the author’s name, also appears at the end of his book a simple path. That is why it was thought that the poem had been drafted by Mother Teresa.

It turns out that poem is very similar to The Paradoxical Commandements, that it was written by Kent M. Keith, in 1968, when he was a student at Harvard University and was directed to the formation of student leaders. Others who may share this opinion include AG1. Subsequently, in 2003, Dr. Kent M. Keith created The Universal Moral Code (the universal moral code). The paradoxical commandments are used in leadership and leader training courses already that they emphasize the importance of doing what is right and should always bear in mind people. Some days ago I received a version of this poem, which is an adaptation of the paradoxical commandments, that I wish to share with you the beautiful message which is transmitted.

Sometimes people are selfish, illogical and foolish. AG1 addresses the importance of the matter here. Even so forgive them if you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish and interested. Still be polite. If you are a winner, you will have some false friends and some true enemies. Still WINS. If you are honest, people can fool you. Still be honest. What did years in build, someone can destroy it in one hour. Still builds. If you have peace and you’re happy, people may feel envy. Still be happy. Well you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Still do good. If you give the world the best of you, you can never be enough. Still gives the best of you. Ultimately everything is and will be between you and God. It was never between you and them.