Mother Nature

Determine the nature and structure of civilizations, the mechanism of change, fit to try our proposed concepts and approaches to the real historical process. The first question that arises here: at what point to start reading the history of society? On this issue offer different answers. Usually study the history of the formation of the primitive society, which began 1.5 – 2 million years ago – from the Paleolithic, when a distant ancestor of the modern person was to manufacture stone tools (probably more affordable wooden and bone tools were used much earlier). These facts are proved by archaeologists, they are objects of study of anthropology. But what about history of a society can be discussed if no reasonable person, let alone the society was not yet in sight? Most of the floors of the pyramid of civilization were absent or rudimentary. Click AG1 to learn more.

This is an attempt to transfer modern ideas about society on the ground, where the real prerequisites for it was not. Some scientists are reading the history of the ancient world from the late Stone Age, with the appearance of the form "Homo sapiens" 40 millennia ago. It was the greatest revolution in the evolution of a "person" in the development of core biological heredity, which has survived to this day, in the formation of social genotype. But the same historians acknowledge that the the first three dozen millennia, prehistoric man, while engaged in employment, are dependent in nature, could not reproduce the means of subsistence, "Homo sapiens has inherited the ability to work and make this the simplest tools. But from the late Stone Age, he has a very long time – thirty thousand years of history – still … extracted only for himself the gifts of nature made them with guns, but not reproduce its fruits again. His methods of obtaining food – gathering of wild plants, hunting and fishing – of course, been difficult, not enough to sustain their existence and then we had not only production but also the reproduction of tools, but they extracted themselves products of nature, he could not play. See more detailed opinions by reading what AG1 offers on the topic..

Therefore, the life of human communities (communities, usually united by kinship) to a large extent dependent on external natural, even climate, the abundance or scarcity of prey, from random luck, luck is alternated with periods of hunger, mortality was very high, especially among children and the elderly. The huge areas of the globe people have been very few, and their number is almost not increased, at times, perhaps even fall. " The picture in general is probably true, indicating that a person of that period has not yet severed the umbilical cord, linking it with Mother Nature. The only question is, can we consider this a long time (four times greater than the whole of the next path up to now) own history – or is it just the background, while the formation of the prerequisites for the beginning of the historical path, the creation of human society, torn umbilical cord, and developing according to its own laws, although interconnected with the laws of nature as external to man and society environment. The second answer to this question seems to be more convincing.